Your Bird's Diaper Bag

Diaper Bag? Diaper Bag for a bird? You bet. If you are going to be taking your HouseGoose, HouseDuck or HouseChicken with you places, you are going to need to carry some items with you.
The first thing you need to do is figure out how much stuff you will need for your bird and what size Diaper Bag you will need. You might use a human baby diaper bag or even just a tote bag for your items. However, a human baby's bag is rather large and most tote bags do not have a closure on them so your items could (and let's face it, will) fall out as you travel. You will need to carry this Diaper Bag so you want it large enough to carry what you need and small enough not be to burdensome. You will want it made out of light weight materials that are strong, cute and waterproof. I make my straps for the Diaper Bags to come unbuckled so that a person can hook the Diaper Bag to a Stroller or other items to make carrying the Diaper Bag easier. And yes, I so sell them in our online store.

Items You Will NEED To Take With You When You Travel With Your Bird
Food Water Bowls ~ one for food, one for water Diaper Holders (extra in case you need it, more if you will be gone for the full day or week end) Diaper Holder Liners ~ More then you think you will use Treats Wipes ~ for your own hands and other messes Toys First Aid Kit (small for short trips, more extensive if camping or somewhere not close to a vet office)
What To Look For When Buying Your Bird's Diaper Bag
Above all, get the one YOU like, but make sure it is the size you need. You might need just a small bag for a few items, or you might want a very large Diaper Bag because you travel often with your HouseBird.
You will want the Diaper Bag to close at the top. An open bag can (will) spill. You also want one that is easy to carry. An adjustable strap may be the answer. I made mine (and will make the ones I offer in our shop) with an adjustable strap that buckles so that you can unbuckle it and strap it to your stroller or other Pet Carrier. Don't forget that you will want the bag to be waterproof and lightweight.
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